I spent the quarantine summer of 2020 at home. Feeling restless, I started going on bike rides - a 16 mile round trip, always the same route. They were the only time I got to be truly alone, and I attached a lot of importance to them. I always felt much calmer, happier, and at peace after a ride, and though I don't ride my bike anymore I feel nostalgia for those rides, and sometimes go on them in my head when I am trying to fall asleep.
This is a set of three digital drawings depicting some of the most special places on my route.

About 10 minutes into my ride I passed an autoshop that was made out of an old blue house with an interesting overhang. It was very visually interesting and I looked around both to enjoy the sight and to make sure I didn't get hit by cars.

A section of the path went through the woods. Nestled in the trees down a small dirt road was a lovely blue - purple house. I always wondered who lived in it and what its story was, and how something so magical could be hidden in the suburban town.

Nearing the end of my journey I crossed a bridge over a freeway. Each time I crossed it I felt like I was truly entering the unknown and leaving everything familiar behind. The road was so loud that it sounded like a mad roar, and I could sing as I biked across the bridge and nobody could hear me.